Atlas Committees

Atlas committees are a great way to get more involved in Atlas and THON as a whole. Atlas committees—which are specific to Atlas and differ from overall THON committees—include Donor and Alumni Relations (DAR), Special Events (SE), Family Relations (FR), and Alternative Fundraising (Alt Fund). You can attend any committee meeting any time—no long term commitment required! You can join any and all of them!

Donor and Alumni Relations (DAR) deals primarily with THONvelopes, Business Contacts, and Donation Boxes. It is the main way we solicit donations from and through relatives, friends, and contacts that we know. When you come to a DAR meeting, you will probably write Alumni THONvelopes, and build and decorate donation boxes!

Alternative Fundraising (Alt Fund) deals with all the fundraisers that aren't run by DAR or canning. This includes bake sales, date auctions, poker nights, and more. This is a great committee to attend if you have just joined Atlas, since anyone can plan and run a fundraiser! In these meetings, you sometimes might help Atlas get ready for our crazy canning weekends too!

Family Relations (FR) deals primarily with, you guessed it, our families! However, THON isn't just our families. FR also learns about and helps other families, both in and out of the THON community, who are battling cancer. When you come to an FR meeting, you will hear about what our families have been up to, plan family events, write cards, and give or hear inspiration!

Special Events (SE) deals with the non-fundraising, social side of Atlas, working to build friendships among members. In these meetings you get to help plan events such as food crawls, formal, hayride, house events, and more! You also get to help plan events with and get to know members from other THON special interest organizations.